本文摘要:Chinese online gaming and social networking group Tencent has pulled back from a high-stakes battle with ecommerce company Alibaba for control of China’s mobile payments market, after spending billions of renminbi on subsidies to attract users.中国在线游戏和社交网络集团腾讯(Tencent)在同电子商务公司阿里巴巴(Alibaba)争夺战中国移动支付市场控制权的事关重大的角力中撤退。

Chinese online gaming and social networking group Tencent has pulled back from a high-stakes battle with ecommerce company Alibaba for control of China’s mobile payments market, after spending billions of renminbi on subsidies to attract users.中国在线游戏和社交网络集团腾讯(Tencent)在同电子商务公司阿里巴巴(Alibaba)争夺战中国移动支付市场控制权的事关重大的角力中撤退。此前腾讯为更有用户已开支巨额补贴。Last month the company began charging users for transferring funds between WeChat Pay — the payments service linked to Tencent’s popular instant messaging app — and traditional bank accounts. Previously, Tencent had subsidised the transfers by absorbing the associated bank transaction fees rather than passing them on to users. A WeChat wallet feature also allowed transfers between different commercial banks.不久前,该公司开始针对在微信缴纳(WeChat Pay,与腾讯人气极高的即时通讯应用于关联的缴纳服务)与传统银行账户之间移往资金向用户收费。

此前腾讯通过吸取涉及银行手续费(而不是将其转嫁给用户)来补贴这类账户操作者。微信钱包(WeChat wallet)功能还容许在有所不同商业银行之间展开账户。

In January alone, Tencent spent Rmb300m ($46m) on bank transaction fees, the company revealed in its annual report. For the fourth quarter, “other” revenue expenses rose 153 per cent to Rmb1.5bn, an increase it said was “mainly driven” by bank transaction fees accrued by WeChat Pay.腾讯在其年报中透露,仅有在今年1月,该公司就在微信缴纳交易的涉及银行手续费上开支3亿元人民币(合4600万美元)。对于去年第四季度,“其他”业务的收益成本同比快速增长153%,至15亿元人民币,该公司称之为,这一减少主要是由微信缴纳再次发生的银行手续费驱动的。Pony Ma, Tencent’s chairman, said that as of March, when the company began imposing user fees, operating losses from WeChat Pay were “brought under control”.腾讯董事长马化腾(Pony Ma)回应,3月份该公司开始向用户收费后,微信缴纳的运营亏损获得掌控。

The shift marks a partial de-escalation of its market-share battle with Alipay, the payment service run by Alibaba’s financial affiliate Ant Financial.这种改变标志着其与支付宝(Alipay,由阿里巴巴旗下的金融公司蚂蚁金服(Ant Financial)运营的缴纳服务)之间的市场份额争夺战经常出现部分降级。Competition between the companies intensified at the start of the lunar new year 2015, when both spent billions on “red envelope” cash giveaways to lure new users. An earlier duel between the internet heavyweights over car-hailing apps began with a war of subsidies for riders and drivers but ended with a merger of Tencent-backed Didi and Alibaba’s Kuaidi.两家公司之间的竞争在2015年农历新年激化,当时双方都砸下巨款发送到“红包”以更有新的用户。早的时候,这两家互联网巨擘在微信应用于上进行一场争夺战乘客和司机的补贴战,但最后以腾讯反对的滴滴(Didi)与阿里巴巴反对的慢的(Kuaidi)拆分收场。

The introduction of user fees is not purely a cost-saving measure. Analysts say that imposing fees on withdrawals will make cash stored in the WeChat wallet “stickier”.实施用户费用并不是全然的节省成本之荐。分析师们回应,对提现收费将使不存在微信钱包的现金极具“粘性”。

“The fees create a barrier to funds leaving, so it incentivises users to keep their money inside the WeChat ecosystem,” says Li Zhefeng, analyst at iResearch in Beijing.“这些费用给提现生产了障碍,由此鼓舞用户把自己的钱回到微信的生态系统内,”北京艾瑞咨询(iResearch)分析师李哲峰回应。Tencent’s subsidies helped WeChat attract millions of users and boosted transaction volume in a year that witnessed the explosion of online-to-offline mobile payments to merchants such as supermarkets and restaurants.腾讯的补贴协助微信更有了数以百万计的用户,并在一年里提振了交易量,在此期间缴纳给商家(如餐馆和餐馆)的线上至线下(O2O)移动支付经常出现爆炸式快速增长。But in terms of market share, Tencent has little to show for the money it spent. Its payment affiliate, Caifutong, processed 20 per cent of Chinese third-party online payments last year, compared with Alipay’s 48 per cent, according to iResearch. That’s up only half a percentage point from a year earlier.但是,就市场份额而言,腾讯的巨额开支看到什么显著成果。




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