本文摘要:Volvo said on Wednesday it will use cameras installed inside its vehicles to monitor driver behavior and intervene if the driver appears to be drunk or distracted. Its a risky move by an automaker, even one with a reputation for safety like Volvo, which could raise concerns among privacy advocates.沃尔沃周三回应,将在车内加装摄像头,监控司机的不道德,并在司机醉酒或迟疑时展开介入。

Volvo said on Wednesday it will use cameras installed inside its vehicles to monitor driver behavior and intervene if the driver appears to be drunk or distracted. Its a risky move by an automaker, even one with a reputation for safety like Volvo, which could raise concerns among privacy advocates.沃尔沃周三回应,将在车内加装摄像头,监控司机的不道德,并在司机醉酒或迟疑时展开介入。对于一家汽车制造商来说,这是一个冒险的行径,即使是像沃尔沃这样以安全性闻名的公司,也不会引发隐私倡导者的忧虑。Volvos in-car cameras will monitor eye movements to gauge driver distraction and / or intoxication. If a driver looks away for a period of time, such as at a smartphone, or fails to keep their hands on the steering wheel, a representative from Volvos on-call assistance centers will call them to check in. Drivers who arent watching the road, or even have their eyes closed, will be warned as well. If they dont respond, the car will slow and even stop. The system will roll-out to all Volvo cars by early 2020.Volvo的车内照相机将通过监测眼部活动来取决于驾驶员的注意力不集中于和醉酒驾驶员。

当驾驶员移往目光一段时间,只不过目光在手机上,或者手不出方向盘,Volvo的“on call”援助中心就不会警告并核查。当观测到驾驶员如果不看路,甚至闭上眼睛驾车,援助中心就不会收到警告。当驾驶员仍没反应,车就不会滑行并停下来。

这种系统最先将在2020年展览。This follows Volvos recent announcement that it will be limiting the top speed on all of its vehicles to 180 km/h (112 mph) in a bid to reduce traffic fatalities. Volvo is framing these new policies as key components in its Vision 2020 goal, in which no one is killed or seriously injured in a Volvo vehicle by 2020. Over the years, the company built its reputation on safety and quirky designs, and todays announcement is meant to underline that.此前沃尔沃宣告,将容许所有车辆的最低时速180公里/小时(112英里/小时),以增加交通事故。沃尔沃正在将这些新政策作为2020年愿景目标的关键组成部分,该目标规定,到2020年,无人在沃尔沃汽车上遇难或不受轻伤。

多年来,该公司在安全性和怪异的设计下有了好的名声,今天的声明就是为了特别强调这一点。“When it comes to safety, our aim is to avoid accidents altogether rather than limit the impact when an accident is imminent and unavoidable, Henrik Green, senior vice president for research and development at Volvo Car Group, said in a statement. In this case, cameras will monitor for behavior that may lead to serious injury or death.当牵涉到到安全性问题时,我们的目标是尽量地防止车祸再次发生,而非在车祸难以避免时增大冲击。负责管理沃尔沃车组研究发展的资深副总裁Henrik Green在一份声明中曾说道到,在这个项目上,摄像头将不会森严监控导致相当严重死伤的不道德。

The use of in-car cameras to monitor drivers is not completely unprecedented. Cadillac uses infrared cameras facing the driver to power its advanced driver assist system, Super Cruise. The camera tracks the drivers eye movements, allowing for a hands-free driving experience. If the drivers attention wanders, Super Cruise uses an escalating series of audible and vibrating alerts to ensure the driver keeps their eyes on the road.用于车内照相机去监控驾驶员并不是无先例。凯迪拉克用于红外照相机面面临驾驶员先进设备的驾驶员协助系统,超级巡弋。这个照相机跟踪驾驶员眼部的活动,容许徒手驾驶员经验。

如果驾驶员注意力漫游,超级巡弋用于一系列渐渐提升声音和震动收到警报来保证驾驶员维持他们的的行经的注意力。As cameras proliferate in the name of safety, theres a real chance they can be misused to invade privacy. At an event in Sweden Wednesday, the company preemptively dismissed this criticism by likening it to early objection to seatbelt laws.以安全性的名义剧增的摄像头,则是对隐私侵害的一种确实冒险的欺诈。在周三瑞典的一起事故中,公司像之前有人赞成安全性座椅一样先发制人的对这种抨击未予理会。Automakers are already collecting lots of information from your car today, but mostly for vehicle analytics. GM has said that the camera in its Cadillac cars isnt recording anything; its just a buffered video feed to make sure Super Cruise works as it should.汽车制造者早已从你的小汽车里搜集了许多的信息,但是它大多数都是对于交通工具的分析。

GM说道照相机在凯迪拉克车里没记录任何东西,意味着一个缓冲器视频用作保证超级巡弋工作。Volvo didnt respond to questions about access to the vehicles camera, but in a statement clarified that the exact technical setup of the camera has yet to be decided.沃尔沃没对此如何用于车辆的摄像头,在一段声明中回应有关摄像头的明确技术设置仍未要求。With the cameras, Volvo aims to collect data only in the ambition to make its cars safer and only the data that is required for the systems, a spokesperson said in an email. The cameras will not record video and no data will be gathered without the users consent. Exact technical setup is yet to be determined.一个发言人在邮件里说道到,因为配带摄像头,沃尔沃早已针对性的搜集数据目的意味着是为了确保车内安全性,并且这个数据对于车内系统来说是必需的。




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